Ski Exercises for Beginners

Ski Exercises For Beginners
Skiing is a fantastic past time which can be enjoyed by everybody and can really have a positive effect on your general well-being and state of mind. Skiing takes a unique mix of basic balance, strength and cardio to reach peak performance.
In isolation, the beginner manoeuvre, snowplough, is not challenging on the body but if you are practicing it over and over it can be a little demanding. – Particularly when you are practicing it for six hours daily, at altitude on a skiing holiday. The only way to assure that you have the energy – both physically and mentally – is to get into shape and keep the practice up.
Non-gym fans, don’t panic. There’s lots of ways to get your heart rate up and strengthen your leg muscles in your day-to-day routines.
Cardiovascular Exercise
It is a really good idea to do some light exercise before you hit the slopes – a power walk, the odd run or opt to get your daily dose of cardiovascular exercise by taking the stairs instead of the escalator or lift. Doing simple changes to your daily routine can really make a difference to your overall stamina and help you maintain a healthy heart.
Strength Training
There are a couple of really easy exercises which you can do to improve your strength even your core. For skiing, your main focus should be on your quads, glutes and calves.
You’ll be surprised at how effective exercises such as planks, squats and lunges will be when you get into skiing more or when you hit the resorts. You’ll be rearing to go.
During skiing, your body is constantly twisting and turning, which makes flexibility a key area. As such, yoga is one of a number of ski exercises that can really improve how well you move as you make your way down our real snow slope.
State of Mind
Thanks to endorphins, any kind of physical activity is a fantastic way of improving your mood. With your endorphins on a high, your mind and body are better equipped to fight stress and boost your mood. This makes exercise such as skiing ideal for enhancing your well-being.
To find out more about specific types of ski exercises, then take a look at the following pages:
• Leg exercises
• Pre-skiing exercises
• Balance exercises
• Ski exercises for home
Ready To Grab Your Skis?
If you’re interested in finding out more about skiing, we offer beginner’s ski lessons, which will feature guided tuition from our expert instructors.