Learn how to ski with Chill Factore

Skiing is just like riding a bike - only with fewer wheels and with planks of wood strapped to your feet instead! We jest, of course. They are, of course, made of advanced materials like carbon fibre and plastic, but there are definitely no wheels involved. However the art of skiing is like riding a bike in that it’s a skill once learned, rarely forgotten and a course of ski instruction will stand you in good stead for a lifetime of enjoying yourself on the piste. Wondering how to ski? Find out below.
Starting to ski
We know that taking those first steps into skiing can be daunting; everything from what to wear and what equipment to use, to how to get yourself down the hill in one piece and with a sense of style can seem alien and confusing. This is where the friendly and professional staff at Chill Factore come in.
These guys really know their stuff and can help you choose the right clothing, will fit you with the right equipment and take you through each stage of becoming a great skier.
Looking for more skiing tips and tricks? Take a look at our skiing, snowboarding and freestyle tips. Plus, get ideas on easy exercises you can follow on your skis or board when you learn how to ski.
How long does it take to learn to ski?
The time it takes to learn how to ski can vary depending on various factors, including your physical fitness, coordination, previous experience with similar activities, and the amount of time you dedicate to practicing. Generally, with proper instruction and regular practice, most people can become proficient enough to enjoy skiing on beginner slopes within a few days or a week.
Learning to ski typically involves progressing through three stages. Beginners start on gentle slopes, learning basic techniques and gaining control. After a while, they can navigate beginner slopes comfortably. Intermediate skiers move on to slightly steeper terrain, refining their skills and building confidence over several days to a few weeks. Advanced skiers tackle more challenging slopes, mastering advanced techniques and handling varying conditions. Becoming an expert skier takes years of practice, but the enjoyment and progress made at each stage are more important than comparing yourself to others.
Beginner lessons
The first thing you need to do when you learn how to ski is take lessons, we also offer kids ski lessons. Our beginner ski lessons on our quiet and gentle beginners slope will take you from a slightly-terrified bystander to confidently snowploughing, making turns, riding the travelator and feeling at ease on your skis. Instructors at Chill Factore have taught people of all ages from young children to pensioners and have overcome the nerves of many a novice skier.
You will be in safe hands in our lessons and before you know it you’ll have forgotten any worries and will be tackling that button lift and main slope with a huge smile on your face.
Main slope lessons
Did you know that the UK’s longest real indoor snow slope is our very own at Chill Factore? You can learn how to ski on this very slope!
Our main slope ski lessons can take you from a beginner to a solid intermediate skier banishing those snowplough turns and getting those skis together and parallel. These lessons will help you bring a real sense of style to your skiing, and make you look like the skier you are in your mind: cool, calm and awesome. We’ve got tonnes of intermediate ski tips to share with you that will make a real visible difference to your skiing.
Ski skills development coaching
Taking it to the next level with some advanced skiing lessons and our ski skills development coaching sessions can make sure those skis stay parallel, whatever you’re faced with. They can help you tackle moguls, jumps and really make you look the part out there on the slopes. Moving from intermediate skiing to advanced can seem daunting but with our advanced ski tips under your belt and a helping hand from our instructors you’ll be well on your way.
Already an expert?
For those that already know their stuff, expert skiing techniques and tips can still really make a difference to your skiing. Need help getting that spin or jump just right? Can’t get the control and speed you need on the moguls down? Want some help with your freestyle technique? We have the UK’s longest real indoor, real snow freestyle park and our qualified freestyle experts are at the top of their game.
There is so much to learn and so much fun to be had on skis, so what are you waiting for? Come down to Chill Factore and let’s get skiing! If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.